DS-PSP1-WE Wireless Smart Plug offers you a smart home solution to end users, you can connect any electrical devices to this plug, like heater/electric fan/table lamp. You can manually enable or disable the plug via APP/Keyfob/Keypad, also you can enbale or disable it automatically by linking to different system events, like Arm/Disarm, Time schedule, System Status. By using this device, you will have a chance to make your home more intelligent.
DS-PSP1-WE Wireless Smart Plug offers you a smart home solution to end users, you can connect any electrical devices to this plug, like heater/electric fan/table lamp. You can manually enable or disable the plug via APP/Keyfob/Keypad, also you can enbale or disable it automatically by linking to different system events, like Arm/Disarm, Time schedule, System Status. By using this device, you will have a chance to make your home more intelligent.
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